The placement of the slug magazine on the weapon doesn't make any sense even there unfortunatly. Design of the type began as early as 1936 under the charge of the Rheinmetall-Borsig concern and then known as the "Gerat 40", intended as an in-the-field gun system for the German Army. Welcome to WWII Forums! . Proximity fusing is used on several types of ordinance to cause an airburst and greatly increase lethality against soft targets. Answer (1 of 18): A good way of describing flak is a mid-air grenade. That means the fuse was outperforming traditional rounds three to one in routine combat conditions. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Unreal Tournament is a series of multiplayer first person shooters made by Epic Games. The gun is the most visible part, but the whole system must work well to make the gun effective. Incendiary ammunition is a type of ammunition that contains a chemical that, upon hitting a hard obstacle, has the characteristic of causing fire/setting flammable materials in the vicinity of the impact on fire. A time- or height-triggered fuze requires good prediction by the gunner and accurate timing by the fuze. It is estimated that it increases the lethality by 5 to 10 times, compared to these other fuzes.[4][5]. This doesnt take into account the number of aircraft that were severely damaged by flak.. Proximity fuzes are designed for targets such as planes, missiles, ships at sea, and ground forces. The versatile 88mm cannon was Germany's main heavy antiaircraftor flakgun during World War II. Others mentioned how flak guns were used in Vietnam, I went on an immersion trip with my college down to one of the poorest counties in the U.S. met a pastor there and helped him fix up his church, and some of the nearby buildings. Consequently, a low frequency signal, corresponding to the frequency difference between the oscillator and the received signal, developed at the oscillator's plate terminal. An example of flak is the exploding ammunition that can damage a military plane when flying over enemy territory. The blast from the first bomb was used to trigger the fuze of the second bomb which would explode above ground and in this turn would detonate the third bomb with the process repeated all the way till the last bomb in the string. . The proximity fuze makes the problem simpler than the previous methods. [47] Similarly for example the word tank for an armored fighting vehicle was used to pretend plausibly that a carrier of water for troops on the battlefield was being developed. [37] Other locations include Ft. Fisher in North Carolina and Blossom Point, Maryland. As most of the British heavy anti-aircraft guns were deployed in a long, thin coastal strip, dud shells fell into the sea, safely out of reach of capture. The 88 mm gun (eighty-eight) was a German anti-aircraft and anti-tank artillery gun from World War II. Flak in World War II takes the reader from the invasion of Poland in 1939 right to the last Japanese aircraft shot down by AA fire in August 1945. The distance between the fuze and the target was not constant but rather constantly changing due to the high speed of the fuze and any motion of the target. A Fearsome Feline. The heavy gun could propel its 20.25-pound high-explosive shell to altitudes beyond 30,000 feet at a rate of about 15 projectiles per minute. As opposed to earlier designs, the B Mark VI was a true incendiary rather than tracer ammunition. Blank ammunition, used in training and for salutes, has a paper, wax, or plastic wad or pellet in place of the bullet. Ammunition is used by Weapons, Vehicles, and player manned defenses. The amplitude of the reflected signal corresponded to the closeness of the target. Publicado el junio 1, 2022 por junio 1, 2022 por Thompson was sent to the British Air Defence Establishment based on the second of the two concepts. Marines christened their new recruit "Reckless" for the work she would do in resupplying recoilless rifles, known as "reckless rifles" in Marine jargon. [64] [66], During WW2, the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) investigated the use of acoustic proximity fuzes for anti-aircraft weapons but concluded that there were more promising technological approaches. Firing Coilguns draws power from connected Supercapacitors, as well as ammunition . [57], The Pentagon refused to allow the Allied field artillery use of the fuzes in 1944, although the United States Navy fired proximity-fuzed anti-aircraft shells during the July 1943 invasion of Sicily. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. They provide a more sophisticated trigger mechanism than the common contact fuze or timed fuze. I think the TF2 Engineer summed it up perfectly: "How am I going to stop some big mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind? The shell detonates and sends a flurry of ball bearings and shrapnel in all directions. @JeremyECrawford already have a question. hospital valet job description how does flak ammunition work. US Navy development and early production was outsourced to the Wurlitzer company, at their barrel organ factory in North Tonawanda, New York.[49]. The gun pits were arranged to enable the high altitude flak guns ( probably British army 3.7 in guns) fire in unison to create a box pattern when the shells exploded at the preset height and would follow the track of the bombers That was the means a lethal zone was put where the bombers were expected to be. You are at a gateway to WWII discussion, research, exploration, & analysis. You have to remember that the Luftwaffe flak arm played a dual role. Notes. [58] After General Dwight D. Eisenhower demanded he be allowed to use the fuzes, 200,000 shells with VT fuzes (code named "POZIT"[59]) were used in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. The US found that flak that was high generally caused some damage to bombers but was far less likely to shoot them down than flak that was low. Influence firing mechanisms often use a combination of acoustic and magnetic induction receivers. The return signal is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the distance. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. There are few weapons (aside from shotguns and large game hunting rifles) which have been built that fire projectiles between .50 caliber (0.50 inches/12.7 mm, roughly 13 mm caliber) and 20mm caliber, though the 14.5 mm caliber is used by some Soviet machineguns such as the KPV and antitank rifles such as PTRS, PTRD, and . The 3D kit is a Sondernhnger Sd. Acting like a normal bullet in flight, then after a short delay, it will explode into 5 more bullets. [28], Prior to and following receipt of circuitry designs from the British, various experiments were carried out by Richard B. Roberts, Henry H. Porter, and Robert B. Brode under the direction of NDRC Section T Chairman Merle Tuve. It was considered (and later patented by Brandt) for use with anti-aircraft missiles fired from the ground. Flak damaged tens of thousands of bombers. There are three types of player-loadable ammunition in World of Warships: high explosive (HE), armor piercing (AP), and semi-armor piercing (SAP). Discussion in 'Weapons & Technology in WWII' started by 9th Waffen SS, Aug 12, 2002. After so many seconds, the shell would detonate like a times bomb. The US found that flak that was high generally caused some damage to bombers but was far less likely to shoot them down than flak that was low. But when the reflected signal was out of phase then the combined radio signal amplitude would decrease, which would decrease the plate current. I would say the Germans and the Allies had guns and systems that were equal in effectiveness. US $63.98 Scale 1/35 Resin parts - 130 pcs WWII Item 3518 German 88mm FLAK 36 ammo & ammo box Resin Kit. AA shrapnel also killed and wounded tens of thousands of aircrew, significantly reducing the overall efficiency and morale.. As Flak existed in the twentieth century, no, however, a modern equivalent of the radar guided air defense gun is deployed widely by all major militaries. Use a gun. Berlin has repeatedly lobbied Bern to shift policy after requests for permission to send Ukraine Swiss-made ammunition acquired by Germany decades ago were denied. Pen and Sword, 2014, p.42, Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 23:27, Telecommunications Research Establishment, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, was received by British Intelligence as part of the Oslo Report, Office of Scientific Research and Development, Allied technological cooperation during World War II, "Allen V. Astin Is Dead at 79; Headed Bureau of Standards", The Proximity Fuse - Secret Weapon of World War 2, Critical Challenge: A History of the Proximity Fuze presented, Anti-Aircraft Radio Proximity Fuze (19391942) (conceptual and prototype design work), "Historic Properties Report: Harry Diamond Laboratories, Maryland and Satellite Installations Woodbridge Research Facility, Virginia and Blossom Point Field Test Facility, Maryland", "Request for information about the Isleta Pueblo Ordnance Impact Area", "Calculate the Value of $1.00 in 1945. Ammo. This permitted the purchase of over 22 million fuzes for approximately one billion dollars ($14.6 billion in 2021 USD[51]). Gun batteries aboard cruiser USSCleveland(CL-55) tested proximity-fuzed ammunition against radio-controlled drone aircraft targets over Chesapeake Bay. To work in shells, a fuze needed to be miniaturized, survive the high acceleration of cannon launch, and be reliable. Rounds are shot into the air which then explode damaging aircraft with the explosion and shrapnel. Flak is basically a cannon that launches a shell up in the air, in the path of the airplane, and the shell explodes when it gets up there, sending pellets in all directions, hopefully hitting the airplane nearby, like in that graphic. They were not nearly as effective at puncturing bomber aircraft as armor-piercing bullets, but were far more effective than standard bullets because they could also ignite fuel if they came into contact with a fuel tank or pipeline. Incendiary projectiles, in particular those intended for armor penetration, are more effective if they explode after penetrating a surface layer, such that they explode inside the target. (LogOut/ Both AA guns and the defending fighters played a role in the defence of Guadalcanal. Most of the official Allied histories downplayed its role. [8] With a proximity fuze, the shell or missile need only pass close by the target at some time during its flight. Click to subscribe! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you're taking flak, chances are you're in a bad situation and taking fire from an enemy. Incendiary ammunition is a type of ammunition that contains a chemical that, upon hitting a hard obstacle, has the characteristic of causing fire/setting flammable materials in the vicinity of the impact on fire. Thousands of aircraft were shot down, and tens of thousands were damaged, not to mention the horrendous cost in lives and those wounded. The units come from different Camps in Warpath. At the beginning of the war, the first British gun-laying Mark I (GL I) radars entered service with several AA batteries. This film provides an in-depth look at the weapons and methods of Ger. Flak in World War II takes the reader from the invasion of Poland in 1939 right to the last Japanese aircraft shot down by AA fire in August 1945. Ammunition. But an explosion ABOVE is often lethal since those kinds of cover don't have roofs. Which nation was best at using AAA and why? A particularly successful application was the 90mm shell with VT fuze with the SCR-584 automatic tracking radar and the M-9 electronic fire control computer. Time to blow. Notice: Function is_feed was called incorrectly.Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Armor Penetration Table. Viewed another way, the received signal frequency was Doppler-shifted from the oscillator frequency by the relative motion of the fuze and target. Check out the main categories below. The explosive power, coupled with the flash on impact which guided their aim, was much appreciated by pilots. or 7k? The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes will feature the finest cuts from this site along with exclusive new articles, explosive photography and gorgeous bespoke illustrations. [39] It was not a fuze for anti-aircraft shells, the most valuable type. Before that, they can be purchased from the vending machine outside Crazy . The anti-aircraft artillery range at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico was used as one of the test facilities for the proximity fuze, where almost 50,000 test firings were conducted from 1942 to 1945. Upon being triggered, the thyratron conducted a large current that set off the electrical detonator. [10], The National Defense Research Committee assigned the task to the physicist Merle A. Tuve at the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. The tests were to be conducted over two days, but the testing stopped when drones were destroyed early on the first day. [52][53] It was among the first mass-production applications of printed circuits. The Schmetterling, Enzian, Rheintochter and X4 guided missiles were all designed for use with the Kranich acoustic proximity fuze. Working with Western Electric Company and Raytheon Company, miniature hearing-aid tubes were modified to withstand this extreme stress. This was only partially true. Its interesting at how effective the flak was but still a gradual attrition and conversely how difficult it was for Allied Bombers ability to find and to destroy the targets they wanted ( which then evolved into area bombing) but they still threw enormous resources into strategic bombing. These included planar electrodes and packing the components in wax and oil to equalize the stresses. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. That is exac. As the shell approaches a reflecting object, an interference pattern is created. Winchester 9mm Ammo 100 Ct. The British shared a wide range of possible ideas for designing a fuze, including a photoelectric fuze and a radio fuze, with United States during the Tizard Mission in late 1940. "[27][30] As Tuve understood, the circuitry of the fuze was rudimentary. One may use a timed fuse in the shell. Join in if you dare! This design was used in both the British No44 Pistol and the German Rheinmetall-Borsig BAZ 55A fuzes. Stewart pledged his support for Ukraine while visiting a hospital in Essex, England, adding more fighter . Nevertheless, it did a good job of stopping shell blasts, rocket fragments, and slow speed bullets fired at a moderate range. Flak guns were actually used against the Soviets in the defense of Berlin. [9] Rockets have relatively low acceleration and no spin creating centrifugal force, so the stresses on the delicate electronic fuze are relatively benign. A contact fuze would explode when it hit the ground; it would not be very effective at scattering shrapnel. How doesit compare with fighter interceptors for effectiveness? And any flak that comes his way for winding up any opponents doesn't bother him, nor secretly please him, too much. Work was split in 1942, with Tuve's group working on proximity fuzes for shells, while the National Bureau of Standards researchers focused on the technically easier task of bombs and rockets. (U.S. Navy) It even potentially saved the life of one of its creators, Dr. Van Allen. What does cholera look like under a microscope? The combination of these three inventions was successful in shooting down many V-1 flying bombs aimed at London and Antwerp, otherwise difficult targets for anti-aircraft guns due to their small size and high speed. ][clarification needed] radio doppler proximity fuze, which employed the Doppler effect of reflected radio waves using a diode detector arrangement that they devised. Pye's group was apparently unable to get their rugged pentodes to function reliably under high pressures until 6 August 1941, which was after the successful tests by the American group. Change). You measure the distance to the target, set the shell for that distance (or a few meters behind), and aim above the target. In December 1940, Tuve invited Harry Diamond and Wilbur S. Hinman, Jr, of the United States National Bureau of Standards (NBS) to investigate Berkner's improved fuze and develop a proximity fuze for rockets and bombs to use against the German Luftwaffe. How does flak work? British military researchers at the Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) Samuel C. Curran, William A. S. Butement, Edward S. Shire, and Amherst F. H. Thomson conceived of the idea of a proximity fuze in the early stages of World War II. As the missile passes its target some of the energy strikes the target and is reflected to the missile, where detectors sense it and detonate the warhead. Proximity fuzes are also useful for producing air bursts against ground targets. 8,8 cm Flak 41 Information about the 8,8 cm Flak 41. Getting that right was harder than you would think with the limited means of getting the planes altitude and speed right and they would only have a few minutes at most to do so. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The answer? There was a reason the official histories downplayed the effectiveness of German flak. 2 Answers. Built around a miniature radio transmitter and receiver, the VT fuse overcame the major disadvantage of the time and contact fuses and was capable of detecting its target and detonating within 75 feet. A simulated battle conditions test was started on 12 August 1942. Also, where the crewmen of these planes were most likely to be hit. This is due to the same effect. Listed is also some of the guns captured from other countries and used by the German armed forces. Each pocket could carry 1 en bloc clip with 8 rounds for the M1 Rifle or 2 stripper clips with 5 rounds for the M1903 rifle. A great little gun that packs 10+1 rounds of 9mm and features a 3.4" barrel - perfect for our carry gun test. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 4. When the target was far away, little of the oscillator's transmitted energy would be reflected to the fuze. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It's also against Geneva conversations to use flak guns against infantry. Although not intended to start fires, tracer bullets can have a mild incendiary effect. Protective vests called flak jackets were first used in World War II; the word flak comes from the abbreviated form of the German word Flugabwehrkanone, a type of antiaircraft gun. Acting like a normal bullet in flight, then after a short delay, it will explode into 5 more bullets. 50 Rounds of 140gr FMJ 9mm Subsonic Ammo by Sellier & Bellot. The British Mk VI bullet was copied by the United States in simplified form, for both their .30 and .50 aircraft bullets. If you want to contribute, READ THIS FIRST . I suppose some of how a flak battery worked will be in the book but I became interested after seeing site/foundations for a flak battery which still existed in a park in my home town. Once again enduring the strange looks at the range - "Why on earth do those idiots keep shooting cowboy boots at . All of these earlier methods have disadvantages. The Flakpanzer 341 is armed with 2 37mm FlaK 44 cannons side by side in the turret. [10], In September 1940, the Tizard Mission travelled to the US to introduce their researchers to a number of UK developments, and the topic of proximity fuses was raised. As volume increased, efficiency came into play and the cost per fuze fell from $732 in 1942 to $18 in 1945. Is Wolfram|Alpha just an online equation solver. Exiting that black smoke is the invisible shrapnel that will hit the aircraft. Little priority was given to the project . Reverse is maker marked S.H.u.Co. (LogOut/ (in an allied country). (96) And so, there is evidence that there may soon be a pivot towards a Plan B; a long term insurgency, similar to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. EDIT: And it's only used against airborne targets because airplanes have to be light-weight in order to be able to fly; a cloud of tiny pellets like that will shred an airplane, but won't do much against a tank or battleship or other such armored targets. The tweet exchange occurred on November 28 - December 4, 2014 and is below. Due to the forward speed of the bomber, bombs fitted with pressure detonators would all explode at about the same height above ground along a horizontal trajectory. Mention has to be made of the development of gun laying radar. These are enough to make up for its cons. [41] In addition to extreme acceleration, artillery shells were spun by the rifling of the gun barrels to close to 30,000 rpm, creating immense centrifugal force. Whats the difference back then to your description? As the missile cruises towards its target the laser energy simply beams out into space. Magazines contain . Models & Kits; Military; Dnepro Model DM3518-1/35 German 88mm FLAK 36 ammo ammo box scale model kit. 50 Rounds of 124gr MC 9mm Ammo by Remington. One may use a timed fuse in the shell. It was understood that the limited application was not ideal; a proximity fuze would be useful on all types of artillery and especially anti-aircraft artillery, but those had very high accelerations. Like its World War II namesake, the Flakpanzer 38 (t), the Gepard was based on the hull of an existing tank. "[32], A key improvement was introduced by Lloyd Berkner, who developed a system using separate transmitter and receiver circuits. So Shrapnel is designed to explode BEFORE it hits the ground, using a timed fuse or a proximity fuse. The same is true of bombers. German flak defenses were responsible for more than half of all Allied aircraft losses. Weapons and Ammunition. In response to OPs question, the answer involves the invention of Radar. High explosive with a pressed in pyrotechnic tracer self destruct cap, hexogen filled, impact only fuze. [9] Their system involved a small, short range, Doppler radar. Entering service in 1965, the Leopard 1 is one of the most famous tanks of the Cold War and Modern Era. Warpath Units. Some of these guns saw limited use. unopened, unused, Kit: UPC: : Does not apply . They suggested the system would be useful for the coast artillery units, who could accurately measure the range to shipping even at night. The flammable hydrogen gas of the zeppelins made incendiary bullets much more deadly than standard ones which would pass through the outer skin without igniting the gas. As long as you do not have any new information, there were no apcr shots for the 3,7 cm Flak 43. Follow up question, why do AA guns turn the sky red when theyre being fired? For alternate autocannon ammunition, see the Special Munitions category. It would have defended an airbase about 5 miles away and could have protected the city proper about the same distance away but over water. Shrapnel wounds became so common that eventually any wound from a metal fragment tended to be called "shrapnel" in general: from hang grenades, from debris thrown by an explosion, etc. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Each ammo type may or may not stack in player's inventory depending on their uniform, and in vehicle or structure's inventory depending on their type. In many ways the term gun-laying was a misnomer when applied to the GL I. [9][33][34], In just two days, Diamond was able to come up with a new fuze design and managed to demonstrate its feasibility through extensive testing at the Naval Proving Ground at Dahlgren, Virginia. By the summer of 1941 the Germans introduced their Wurzburg gun laying radar.. There were a few that were specifically armoured like the Russian Il-2 and German Hs 129 ground attack aircraft to withstand light flak hits. Wide vertical pin back with a c-catch. However, the phase relationship between the oscillator's transmitted signal and the signal reflected from the target varied depended on the round trip distance between the fuze and the target. Firing pin: Strikes the back of the flare and causes it to explode and shoot off down the barrel. The Flak 88 was a legendary WWII-era anti-air and an anti-tank gun used by Nazi Germany and their allies.Jul 22, 2018, Four were the different FlaKs produced and improved from 1933 until the end of WWII, 8.8 cm. For a side-by-side comparison of all weapons, see the Weapons page! Both are surrounded by an oval oak leaf wreath. Veteran rocker Rod Stewart has no doubt what outcome of the Ukraine-Russia war would most benefit humanity, telling an interviewer he's backing Ukraine because, "If the Ukrainians lose it's the end of civilization as we know it.". Flak as we know it ( the exploding ordinance variety ) works by using fuses. [61], Bombs and rockets fitted with radio proximity fuzes were in limited service with both the USAAF and USN at the end of WW2. Answer (1 of 7): > how and why does a plane still go down if the flak missed? Ammunition available: HE-T, HE-I, HEI-T, AP-T, Minengescho, Stielgranate They lacked the guns, effective radar, and the cooperation between the Army and Navy was terrible. Flak can refer to criticism or worse, explosive shells from an antiaircraft weapon. It is possible that this is a mistake by the author of the report, and that his is intended to refer to limbered guns . As the saying goes, the more flak that's incoming, the more certain you can be that you are over the target. [55], At first the fuzes were only used in situations where they could not be captured by the Germans. She carried 24-pound ammunition shells and other supplies across the rugged, remote terrain of the Korean Peninsula that was inaccessible to trucks. Allied AA guns were equally effective. Flak, or Fliegerabwehrkanone, works by arming artillery class cannons for the use of Anti-Air duties. fine for not having a boat licence qld; cherokee brick products Thank you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. According to 5e designer Jeremy Crawford, " Bonuses stack, unless a feature or item tells you otherwise. And when I started digging deeper, the number of aircraft shot down by flak was astonishing. [5] This was adopted by British forces as the 0.303 Incendiary B Mark VI. It does not store any personal data. Flak came into English as an abbreviation for the German word Fliegerabwehrkanone, meaning aircraft-defense gun. Length of the cartridge case is 139mm, the body diameter of the shell 20 mm. Advanced Cannons and some simple weapons use custom shells designed by players through Ammo Controllers and customisers. Thanks for reading my nosense about the flak cannon. As early as September 1939, John Cockcroft began a development effort at Pye Ltd. to develop tubes capable of withstanding these much greater forces. [48] Testing also occurred at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, where about 15,000 bombs were fired. Make a 1:1 scale print and you will shurely understand why this cartridge type deserves all due respect. It found use in both the Army and the Navy, and was employed in the defense of London. In Germany, more than 30 (perhaps as many as 50)[19] different proximity fuze designs were developed, or researched, for anti-aircraft use, but none saw service. Pre-order The Hush-Kit Book of Warplaneshere. I once interviewed a WWII flak veteran, who talked about how they used their cannons against enemy infantry and soon, that became a more common use of their cannons than actually firing at airplanes. Flak is a contraction of German Flugabwehrkanone (also referred to as Fliegerabwehrkanone) meaning aircraft-defense cannon, the original purpose of the weapon. There were also over two thousand suppliers and subsuppliers, ranging from powder manufacturers to machine shops. In 1944 the number of 128mm rounds per aircraft shootdown was 3,000, less than one-fifth the number expended by its 88mm counterpart. Flak is defined as the bursting shells shot at aircraft from enemy guns on the ground, or criticism or opposition. How do you write a good story in Smash Bros screening? Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Russian Air Power* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) with Guy Plopsky: Part 1- How good is Russian air forcetraining? Definitions of flak . Their light and medium flak over the battlefield was also highly effective and took a great toll on Allied fighter bombers. . Flak as we know it ( the exploding ordinance variety ) works by using fuses. The flak also blew up the trees, which created additional deadly shrapnel. Optical sensing was developed in 1935, and patented in the United Kingdom in 1936, by a Swedish inventor, probably Edward W. Brandt, using a petoscope. Butement, W. A. S., and P. E. Pollard; "Coastal Defence Apparatus", Butement, W. A. S., et al. Flak proved a huge benefit to fighter pilots assigned to attack incoming raids. A minor problem encountered by the British was that the fuze was sensitive enough to detonate the shell if it passed too close to a seabird and a number of seabird "kills" were recorded. 14 December, 2014. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. What is the safe score in JEE Mains 2021? L/4.5 (Kz.) Personal thoughts on it:Probably the cannon works with some sort of a pneumatic contraption. I know that UT weapons aren't supposed to be something realistic, but if someone wanted to analyze for example the flak cannon, how would it do all the stuff it is supposed to do? Fuzes of this type can be defeated by degaussing, using non-metal hulls for ships (especially minesweepers) or by magnetic induction loops fitted to aircraft or towed buoys.
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