HOLMSETH: If you can saywere there any arrests made regarding the 2,100 kids. Ep. Often, moving in the dark of night, they wing their way to Nevada where they go through testing at the ranges of Nellis Air Force Base, Tonopah Test Range, and yes, Area 51. Level 5-security is severe. FAX phone number for Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake MWR Child Development Center. One day we received a 486 DX100 in the data reduction area. [11][12]The shuttles travel by the use of high-intensity compressed air, and are extremely fast. China Lake, mind control and weapons research 16. Massive base- reported saucer base45. but other things going down there, as Corey can also relate to of working on different types of devices, such as different types of vehicles, number one, space vehicles; also, the medical stuff I talked to you about in the last episodes, with all the storing of cloned bodies and whatnot. There are 120 Deep Underground Military Bases in America, under the big cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases, and U.S. Army Bases. China Lake NAWS takes up a huge swath of desert just southwest of Death Valley, and is normally closed to the public.unless you arrange for a tour of Littl. We got to go over to the hanger and check them out. the Taos area underground facility. The range guys asked me if I wanted to go downrange on their ATVs with them to pick up the bombs. I really think they where underground detonations for creating a huge underground installation. I was to be located at a building next to the airfield on the base where you had to have special clearance to even get through the gate. . Maynard, 42 26.0 N 71 27.0 W FEMA, regional center, Wackenhut is here too. This area was relatively new when I was at China Lake. . Very cool place to spend a couple hours watching the various activities taking place on the ranges. Now let's read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes: The Message for Humankind. Cosmic Disclosure. China like has been claimed to house a multi-leveled underground base, connected via tunnel systems to Edwards Airforce Base and Area 51. One the eastern limit of Ave. R-8 is McDonnell-Douglass facility called the Ueno Facility. INDIANA50. The sound they made from the engines enclosed inside the airframe was quite interesting as well. [3], The Rock of Gibraltar is tunneled out like Swiss cheese because of its strategic location. One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills to the south of the facility. Its no coincidence that the CIA relocated the headquarters of its domestic division, which is responsible for operations in the United States, from the CIAs Langley headquarters to Denver. The whole thing has to be re-drilled, and that area of the underground network of cities is now cut off. As you pass through Hawthorne, you can see signs which read 'Naval Undersea Warfare Center'. The targets resembled the 76 ball you see at gas stations except they were unpainted aluminum. The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the Bioplasmic Body Development of a laser weapon that can remotely cause burns and discomfort on its target. A group of us were standing on the flight line and had a front row seat to this event as it came whizzing by. Montrose Co.north of Paradox, in Paradox Valley. I worked for the contractor that oversaw processing the data on those tapes using Honeywell tape machines and converting them to digital tapes for processing on the VAX mainframes by data technicians or for the flight test engineers in charge of the test projects. My boss knows that I was batshit crazy for volunteering to uproot my family and take them to New Mexico on a drop of a hat, but I happily agreed to it. As far as the laboratories and all the testing going on there with nuclear and other types of energies because its not all just medical, of course . Of course, the base was buzzing about the presence of them being there. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. One of the really cool things about China Lake is the Electronic Combat Range that is located east of the main base some 30 miles called Echo Range. The workforce at China Lake is a mixture of military, civilians and contractors that are employed across multiple tenant commands. The walls and ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tiles with fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings. The pods can go over 700 MPH. In 2020, Straight told me about another rescue of children who were being held underground. IN AMERICA, OVER 800,000 CHILDREN PER YEAR GO MISSING! The data reduction group was where that began. He said the military rescued 400 kids that were underground where they were being held until their traffickers received an order (like one would order pizza). [7], When they were first developing the subterrenes, they just drove the drill uninterrupted for long distances at a constant speed so that the glass tunnels would be of a uniform density. These are located in the Exhibit Hall of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors. I also traveled to the outer ranges to collect range data tapes that got processed in the same manner. Boulder, COThe headquarters for EMC, a type of Electra-magnetic mind control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves.39. . The World's 30 Strangest and Most Secret Military Bases. Australia, Deception, Deep state, Government, Politics, Technology, Transport, Underground Bunkers, USA, War, In this country during the early 1950s, numerous subterranean bases were built that would allow the president and certain members of his cabinet and congress to survive a nuclear attack. I think these human incubators will become a thing someday. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. The Continuity of Government facility intended since 1962 to house the United States Congress, code-named Casper, is located on the grounds of the prestigious Greenbrier resort. When the guard closest to me looked the other way, I reached up and touched one of the air sensors on the front of the aircraft real quick. THE NAVAL BASE IN THE DESERT. . One goes north toward Delta, CO and Colorado Springs. One eye- witness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that deeper levels exist. Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern systems. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. Your insides would literally vibrate. The military simply guards these facilities. The range tapes were often generated by mobile laser tracking stations that had to be calibrated against objects of known distance prior to the tests. These Underground bases get prominent play in dark rumors It kept getting closer and closer until I was sure that there was some sort of problem because it appeared to target us in the bunker and I started kissing my ass goodbye. Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. Watching that F-14 come in low over the desert at 600 miles an hour 200 feet off the ground was exhilarating. I think not. This range is very unique and from time to time the Air Force buys some range time and flies tests of their aircraft there. The initial function of the installation was threefold: (1) to support . In the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village. [17], There are extraterrestrial sealabs all over the world. Hood, TX, 31 15N 97 48 W, home of some Delta Mind-Controlled soldiers and a reported saucer base.95. Online you can see videos and photos of U.S. AIRFORCE jets or planes SPRAYING CHEMTRAILS and years ago on one YouTube video RUST COLORED CHEMTRAILS, I found out its claimed that is DESICCATED BLOOD. The installation is located in the Western Mojave Desert region of . While it appears to be surrounded by mountains, it is actually a hologram that conceals a massive base built deep inside the mountain.[1], According to Emery Smith, there are about 300 underground bases in North America alone. In October of 2019 I reported a story I received from Straight regarding 2,100 kids who were rescued by U.S. Marines from cages underground in California. China Lake is located 150 miles northeast of Los Angeles on the western edge of California's Mojave Desert. This will explain the shutting down of PG&E and the mystery underground explosions. Sugar Grove, the Navys Strategic Intelligence Services microwave communications. .. Pete Peterson Ascension Mysteries ..Corey:And they do starlight. If You Think We Are Done With Masks, Lend Me Your Ear, Natural Survival Medicine You Can Find In The Forest, America is going to be destroyed by fire! We each received a plaque with a personal thank you for our efforts for supporting the missions that took place. 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. . I was able to transition into a data reduction job working on the A-6E Intruder System Weapon Improvement Program (SWIP) within six months because I was learning things so fast and demonstrating my potential. MISSOURI60. It sounded like a cross between a mean weed eater from hell and the Millennium Falcon. Santa Catalina Mountains base. There is much hard evidence out there. I posted it on this website before about that THE TOP BRASS OF THE U.S.MILITARY IS SATANIC . The map shows an underground base and a tunnel going into it at a place called 29 palms. Richmond Elementary School on the base faced significant damage to its ceiling, walls and floors. When the sled reached the shutdown area it travels into several pools that were filled with water. I never thought Id land a job like that, but I interviewed for it and low and behold got hired. The holding capacity of such leviathanic bases is huge. One is in Charlottesville, VA. One is in Denver, CO. One is in White Sands, NM under the White Sands National Monument. [5], TheTransamerican Underground Subshuttle System(T.A.U.S.S.) Many will react with fear, terror, and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from the brainwashing your media pumps into your heads all day long. A FEW SELECTED ARTICLES ABOUT CHINA LAKE: _____ SECRET UNDERGROUND BASES / DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES IN AMERICA - CHINA LAKE Unknown to most Americans is a dark secret, and it's right under our noses. Theyre not military. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep Delta Waves, induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain-Computer link. The cracks are now contained between the two rings. China Lake, mind control and weapons research 16. INFILTRATED 'THE FINDERS' & EPSTEIN JSOC ONE MAN AWAY FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP, by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on July 20, 2022 USA. Because I was there so long I ended up having to stay for the duration of a test they were about to perform and all range access was temporarily locked down during it. I believe they had a combo of test rockets they attached to the sled to see how well the whole package would perform. Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, small-city underground, top-secret, staff of several hundred, does secret work for FEMA and contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several administrations and help run the United States.98. Not only do I miss working there, but I also miss being in the area. Santa Rosa, 38 26.4 N 122 42.9 W, FEMA, Regional center for the west coast, what FEMA is doing is mostly kept secret. Ada, 3446.4 N 9640.7W W, underground saucer base, this base does human cloning, and it is FEMAs most sensitive base.89. Till then, it is just another strange conspiracy theory for them to laugh at. Picatinny Arsenal, 4o 38N 74 32 W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile large & very deep underground. All Rights Reserved. Fort Collins- base for Gray aliens41. North-central Nebraska64. Under Lake Superior is an alien base with roads 5,000 deep. What I was looking for was a Tomahawk cruise missile and apparently, the CIWS was supposed to shoot it out of the sky. Nothing would ever compare to working at there in my mind. The most amazing thing I remember about the experience is we could not hear the B-2 over the F-16s. [17], The governments of both the United States and Mexico arranged for the U.S. to construct a DUMB in Mexico. Straight said the military relied on intelligence prepared by Marcella Crandall, California, the real estate agent who Straight claimed was Mary Magdalene and carried the Jesus strand DNA. [6], Some bases are in such remote locations that they do not need guards present. 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