A SECONDARY school will convert to an academy after being placed in special measures by Government inspectors due to its "unacceptable standard of education and poor leadership". process requires your involvement to develop and update. Elected by school staff: 1 April 2019: 31 March 2023: Historic (left within last 12 months) . Address Wales High School Storth Lane Kiveton Park Sheffield S26 5QQ EMAIL Support Services We have a wide range of competitions to ensure that everybody can be involved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On 1 February 2016, the college merged with North Notts College, which has a main campus in Worksop, Nottinghamshire, to create a new education and training organisation, the RNN Group (Rotherham and North Notts . Wath-upon-Dearne. The report, published last Friday, said the previously "good"-rated school in 2011 needed to The school was designated a Comprehensive School in September 1972 with the arrival of Mr A Murphy as Headteacher and under local government re-organisation in 1974the school became part of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. Please see below our enrichment brochures. Principal: Greg Manier. See instead profile for Wath Academy. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. Anti Slip Coating UAE Closed in 2019 to become an academy. how to set magnetic declination on a brunton compass associate assistant vice principals. Home; Contact; Design By Blue Strawberry Elephant . Wath Comprehensive School. To return completed exam papers, exam scripts and exam stationary to a secure area at the end of an examination. There may not be a report because: a newly registered school hasn't been inspected yet an. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. - wath academy teachers, Related Features ) Press release Broadband beamed from space to isolated areas under plans to boost countryside internet connections Work also begins on biggest ever 100 million Project Gigabit contract to connect 60,000 rural homes and businesses in Cumbria, delivered by Fibrus From:Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and The Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MPPublished30 November 2022 Mountain rescue . Click. Type of link Date linked; 106954: Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College: Predecessor: 30 April 2018 . Perhaps you are a new parent looking for a school nearby Wath-on-Dearne, please read through to get different bits and bobs that will help you decide if Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College is suitable for your educational needs. These establishments are linked with Wath Academy, Staff attend weekly CPD sessions which are meticulously planned based on the needs of our staff and our very own T&L standard. Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College. As part of the Government's PFI initiative many schools in the Rotherham Borough were rebuilt. The school had no pupils who completed key stage 4 in 2021 - for example, because the school is new and pupils have so far only completed the first . Wath Comprehensive School Website Go to the school website. Alumni; Jeffco Public Library; . This school closed on 31/03/2019. Wath Comprehensive has been rated inadequate by Ofsted after a two-day inspection in March. Students and staff earn points by entering house competitions such as: photography, dance, cookery, poetry, chess, talent shows and sports day to name but a few. Elected by school staff: 1 April 2019: 31 March 2023: Jayne Dickson: Not recorded: Appointed by GB/board: 1 April 2019: 31 March 2023: Historic (left within last 12 months) . 2021 / 2022 Bank Holidays Wath Academy is a mixed secondary school on Sandygate in Wath-upon-Dearne in the Metropolitan Borough of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England. Therefore, we place an emphasis on character education, taking part in enrichment activities and attending events and trips that broaden students horizons. We use IRIS technology as a self and peer reflection tool. wath comprehensive school staff list , according to your required space, you can select from below: If you require a different selection, you can consult, website for Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College. 1963. School report Wath Comprehensive School: A Language College Sandygate, Wath-on-Dearne, Rotherham, South Yorkshire S63 7NW Inspection dates 15-16 March 2017 . We are very proud of our competition-based house system. In addition, Year 11 students can become prefects. Conifer High School. from the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release published each summer. If you are not sure who you need to contact, our admin team would be happy to advise. As of 2013, the school is the 24th largest in England. New students would have a house master or mistress to guide them through their education from the day they started until the day they left school. Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College staff list. In 2017, the school's Progress 8 score, which measures the progress made by students between the end of Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 (GCSE), was +0.07 (above the national average of -0.03, putting the school in the top third of the country). Okehampton EX20. Quite the same Wikipedia. For example, Physical Education is referred to as 'Games' and mock examinations are referred to as 'prelims' (short for 'preliminary examinations'). Below are examples of the Staff List in action. The school started with 77 children, that number had grown to 520 six-years later. The School Day; LINKS; Parents. The most significant attribute of comprehensive schools is that they do not select students based upon academic aptitude. We pride ourselves on the extensive enrichment programme we provide for all students. Mr D Kirby served as Headteacher from July 1991 to 1997 and was succeeded by Mr R Godber who retired in August 2002. . Wath Secondary School opened its doors on 17th September 1923. All games and academic endeavours were celebrated as a house, not as individuals. We have an open-door policy through which staff receive regular high quality, insightful feedback following low stake drop ins. Although it was a positive shift away from education for the privileged few, just under half of the children in England still had no accessprimary school education. Open daily 9 a.m.to 6 p.m.Monday and Thursday evenings 8 to 10.: Music on saturday Afternocns.ADMISSION, 25c.Annual Meeting.The Annual Meeting of the Shamrock Amateur Athletic Aszociution will be held in the : Young !.L.and B.Association Hall, O'Con- \u2018nell Street, on Monday, March 28th, 1904, at 815 pam.to receive Directors\u2019 report . 16. Within the school we are committed to : Raising standards of achievement in modern languages for our students by delivering inspiring, exciting, interesting and thought-provoking lessons and continuously seeking new ways of improving teaching and learning. We use some essential cookies to make this service work. Those who sat the Entrance Exam and passed had to pay a termly fee for the privilege of being in the school. The roof also leaks in the girls' changing rooms, where pupils often have to move clothing to keep it from getting wet. Contact Details. We deliver on promises and walk the talk. Fill out, edit & sign PDFs on your mobile. Here's a list of some of the top trending technologies and APIs used by Wath Comprehensive School. The Inspectors highlighted 'damp seeping through the walls and ceilings', 'decaying door and window fittings', 'areas of crumbling asphalt and potholes' and 'falling plaster', before going on to conclude: Floors are bowing and lifting in the IT rooms. View details of linked establishments. Rotherham. Hiring multiple candidates. Find all the transport options for your trip from Doncaster to Wath upon Dearne, Wath Comprehensive School/Festival Road right here. The School Day; LINKS; Parents. Rotherham College, previously known as Rotherham College of Arts and Technology (shortened to 'RCAT') is the largest further education college in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England. What is the motto of Gowerton Comprehensive School? Should you want to stay nearby Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College, there are plenty ofproperties to rent in Rotherham, according to your required space, you can select from below: Thewebsite for Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College has more details, whereas data compiled by the government includes: Facebook and other social media coming soon. Cefn Saeson Comprehensive School, Afan Valley Road, Cimla, Neath. Less than a decade after it was built, the school had already outgrown its new building. Foundation school. Assistant Vice Principal, Teaching & Learning, Whole School Reading. The designs were developed by teachers, administrators . [22], The sixth form results for 2017 showed an A Level/academic progress rate of +0.20 (in the top 10% of the country). Information about staff or pupils, including school log-books and admission and discharge registers, can sometimes be found in the relevant local archive. All over England and around Rotherham, one of the Mixed schools with a big focus on community is none other than Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College. At Wath Academy, we live and breathe these key drivers with an unwavering passion and determination to ensure that our students receive the best education; we will not settle for anything but the best, and will not rest until the academy is truly great in all areas. We want every student to gain the confidence and belief to compete and experience what it feels like to be part of a successful team. Wath Wood Road. The percentage of students achieving the English Baccalaureate was 35% (well above the national average of 19.7%), with entries for the EBacc being 70% (double the national average of 35%). School Performance Information School Direct Remote Learning 16-19 Tuition Fund Contact Us Statutory Information Our Curriculum Parents/Carers Academy Prospectus The Academy Day Term Dates Uniform Dinners & Free School Meals Leave of Absence & Holidays Consultation Evening Booking Admissions Careers Advice Parent Forum Page trader joe's marlborough sauvignon blanc tickets for chelsea flower show 2022 wath comprehensive school staff list. During the late 19th and early 20th century many new schools were built to accommodate the increase in number of children going through the education system. We see great value in facilitating regular conversations around T&L with a view to these conversations being purely developmental. Company Directory Pro's Staff List widget displays your staff members in a helpful and highly customizeable list format. Wath Comprehensive School was created in 1923. These cookies do not store any personal information. June 30, 2022; destrehan high school graduation 2022 Wath Comprehensive School : A Language College. It has approximately 1,900 pupils between the ages of 11 and 18 on roll, including around 400 in the sixth form . However, it is essential information for the department to be able to uniquely identify an individual and in a small number of cases conduct checks to confirm their suitability for this important and influential role. - wath academy teachers, If you believe that this page should be taken down, please follow our DMCA take down process, Something went wrong! Contents 1 Admissions 2 History 3 Traditions 4 Academic performance 5 Ofsted inspections 6 Headteachers/Principals 7 Notable former pupils 8 Notable former staff 9 References 10 External links Admissions Address: Sandygate. League Table - New division starting soon! . SA11 3TA . WATH COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL Careers and Employment Reviews Supply Teacher in Rotherham 3.0 on 26 August 2018 Productive and it's a fun environment It's a very fun environment to be in, it gets very busy and very tough at times. receive a qualifying benefit. Perhaps you spotted missing information. Wath Comprehensive School A SECONDARY school will convert to an academy after being placed in special measures by Government inspectors due to its "unacceptable standard of education and poor leadership". Wath (A) Primary School in Rotherham has a slightly above average 314 pupils. About Wath Academy Sixth Form . A list of these compiled (1995) from the survey result is in the deposit file. C - C. Wickersley School & Sports College. We dont take shortcuts and we ensure everything we do is ethically and morally correct. The school underwent an Ofsted inspection in March 2017 and despite having an above average academic performance with particularly good EBacc results, the school was graded as Inadequate and issued with a mandatory 'academy order'. I read and write daily. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. School Telephone: +44 (0) 1634 543123 School Email: office@stjohnfisher.school VPN; Outlook Mail; Microsoft Teams; Gov Hub; CPOMS; Information for Ofsted Since 1930, the school has elected a head boy and head girl from its Year 13 students. All games and academic endeavours were celebrated as house, not individual, achievements. 01639 791300 Mr Sampson died suddenly in May 2003 andMr J Chisholm became Acting Headteacher untilJanuary 2004, when Mrs P Ward took up the post of Headteacher. Tes for schools Register Secondary modern languages teacher jobs in Rotherham Teacher of Spanish New this week Teacher of Spanish Wath Academy Rotherham Salary GBP 28,000 - 43,684 per year (MPS/UPS) Full Time, Permanent Start date September 2023 Suitable for NQTs (ECTs) Apply by 17 Mar 2023 Job posted 2 Mar 2023 Teacher of Spanish