.cd-accordion-menu2.animated label::before { to concepts from the classroom. .cd-accordion-menu2 ul ul ul a { There is no consistency with the proctor requirements. #desktopnav-bottom { margin: 10px 0; 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 343-3000 box-shadow: none; Depending on your schedule, you can pursue your masters degreeon either a full-time or part-time basis. background-position: center center; } All exams are live proctored to ensure program integrity. } padding: 18px 0px 18px 0px; The classes fill up fast, there is always technical issues and the class schedule is just horrid. Postbaccalaureate unclassified students may register for 5000-level courses if the department/division/school chair or director determines that space is available. Please note that BUS5000 can be taken before or after the application is admitted to the program. Applicants to this program should have one of the following: a.) color: #000000; padding: 0 0%; /* LEVEL 3 LEFT-COLUMN CODE ENDS */ When such a change has been approved, it becomes part of the masters degree study plan. ", "Don't do it! top: 50%; .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul label::after, One of the advantages here at LSUS is that we have woven, through the fabric of our university, the idea of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking, the ability to pivot and adapt, and the ability to quickly recognize and evaluate opportunities. Any course or program offered in special sessions must, each time that it is offered, have the approval of the appropriate college dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. } Matriculated Cal State L.A. students may not enroll in Open University courses. View more information here: Online MBAs, Accessibility Statement -ms-user-select: none; left: 72px; For more information about the GMAT and GRE, please visit www.gmat.com and www.gre.org. He is currently an executive in the oil and Please see below for instructions on submitting your transcripts through IERF. of Flores MBA grads are employed within 3 months of graduation. You'll, TheonlineMBAprogram consists of 30 credit hours covering a broad rangeof administrative topics. width: 100%; These courses will prepare students with a solid foundation in managerial accounting and finance while also helping them develop the skills to lead and strategize in organizations. position: fixed; If part of your face inadvertently drifts off their video screen, you are accused of cheating, even though all you are doing is doing is a math calculation on scratch paper to the side of the laptop. The online MBA program from LSUS was also ranked #1 among the top 50 MBAs in the nation by Intelligent.com in 2021. a bachelor's degree from a regionally-accredited university with a minimum 3.0 overall GPA or minimum 3.0 GPA in the last 60 semester hours of courses or dl, .header-slide-menu-toggle-block { Last month, the Sales and Marketing Executives-Baton Rouge chapter awarded Department of Marketing Distinguished Instructor Tommy Karam with its Nell Mitchell Doughty Lifetime Achievement Award at an event where many recounted their experiences in Karam's classroom. -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.3s; This policy shall not apply to students admitted to a masters or doctorate degree program offered jointly with other educational institutions. .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul a { After putting two kids through college, three cancers, and a thirty-eight year career, I decided it was time. A student who has satisfied the Graduate Writing Requirement shall continue to be certified with no time limit on such certification. color: #fec50d !important; Explore the Online Master of Business Administration Degree at LSUS, "The jobs and workplace of tomorrow are going to be so dramatically different. Students can curate a degree specific to their interests through a required core, customized core, and customized set of electives. #cbe-desktopnav-bottom-inside-area { margin: 0; In 1996, Flores and his wife, Cherie, made a gracious donation to the E. J. Ourso the Flores MBA Program by providing students from all tracks with opportunities to ". Please enable Javascript for full functionality. } .cd-accordion-menu>li:last-of-type>label, For more information please visit www.toefl.org or www.ielts.org. 2023 Trustees of the California State University. } left: 18px; #cbe-featured-section { .three-column { At 60 years of age, I changed companies, had 12 hour work days, endured the Covid virus, and lost my father, and best friend during my time. Students should expect to take their comprehensive examinations during the semester in which they complete all course work on their program or shortly thereafter. } An expired course taken at another institution may not be validated by examination. -o-transform: translateY(-50%); GET INVOLVED: The MBA Association is a student-run organization for MBA students. MS Information Systems is considered as STEM program. list-style: none !important; /* CBE HOMEPAGE DESKTOP NAV ENDS*/ #header .region-header { /* PARALLAX DEPARTMENT HOMEPAGES BEGINS */ Office of Admissions and Recruitment (SA 101) } } A grade of C is allowed on the Study Plan; however, any grade below C, including C-, requires that the course be repeated with both grades computed in the grade point average. .cd-accordion-menu a { Changes in the study plan may be made only with the approval of the students academic adviser and college graduate dean. The college does not provide a preliminary GMAT/GRE request evaluation. SPEAKER EVENTS: The Flores MBA Program hosts an accomplished group of distinguished business leaders })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul a { A comprehensive examination or a thesis or project as described later in this chapter. padding: 0px 0% !important; Transcripts may also be submitted via secure meanse.g., eSCRIP-SAFEto admissions@lsus.edu. } .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul label, Students who are not matriculated at Cal State L.A. may enroll in 5000-level courses through the Open University (concurrent enrollment) Program administered by the College of Extended Studies and International Programs. } .cd-accordion-menu ul ul a { } * MS Information Systems is considered as STEM program. Students are required to file an application by the deadline announced in the Schedule of Classes. /* BUTTON CODE BEGINS */ prepares students to enter the business world with an advanced degree from a premier } A native of Lafayette, Louisiana, James Jim Flores has played a significant role All candidates for masters degrees at Cal State L.A. must fulfill the following minimum requirements: Completion of at least 30 semester units in approved courses, of which at least half (15) must be graduate (5000-level) courses. Throughout the courses, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of organizational strategy, leadership and management, and how to apply those tools in various business settings. To be considered for admission, you must apply to our university, and submit academic records as requested. Statement of purpose. .cd-accordion-menu>li>ul>li:last-of-type a { #desktopnav-top-inside-area { margin-top: 13px; padding: 12px 0px; Upon the recommendation of the principal graduate adviser and the major department/division/school, and with the approval of the college graduate dean, qualifying courses may be waived for students whose postbaccalaureate work demonstrates the promise of the scholarly ability required for graduate study. Some professors communicate primarily in all capital letters, which is strictly prohibited by program standards. display: block; display: none !important; margin-bottom: 0em !important; } College of Business to endow the MBA program, which was renamed in their honor. } /* SOCIAL MEDIA CODE ENDS */ Student Complaints Please refer to the Graduate Admissions for more information. border: 1px solid #ff0000; clear: left; questions, so request more information. This will help us locate your student record. width: 32.39%; All fees are included in the total tuition. California State University Los Angeles 5990 in their discipline). /* SPECIFIES MOBILE AND TABLET LAYOUTS ON DISPLAYS UNDER 360PX (ENDS) */ list-style: none !important; #desktopnav { You canNOT take the exam ahead of time or fall behind. As a general guideline, a three-year degree from a recognized University in India or Pakistan is not considered equivalent to a U.S. baccalaureate. } /* VERTICAL MENU ENDS */ vertical-align: top; } background-image: url(../img/cd-icons.svg); margin-right: 0; } Graduate School Admission:Unconditional Admission:For unconditional admission to graduate study, students must be in satisfactory standing at the last institution attended and meet all admission requirements of a degree program and one of the following: International applicants must meet regular admission requirements for their selected program. Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge (Ourso) 4000 Business Education Complex, 501 South Quad Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. 0% of 7 students said this degree improved their career prospects, 57% of 7 students said they would recommend this program to others, "I am new to the online MBA program and seriously regret my decision to enroll here. The following exceptions and restrictions apply: Students who are matriculated at the University in continuing status may enroll in, and earn residence credit for, courses that are offered through the College of Professional and Global Education in self-support special sessions. 5151 State University Dr. Working alongside the Students must fulfill all department/division/school requirements for the written and/or oral comprehensive examinations. If you are an undergraduate applicant, yes, the completion of a transferable college-level English Composition course from a United States post-secondary institution, with a grade of 'C' or better, will exempt you from these exams. display: none; padding-top: 40px; } .cd-accordion-menu2 input[type=checkbox]:checked+label::after { .cta-four-column { padding-top: 30px !important; .cd-accordion-menu2 ul ul a::after { } A minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) is required on any graduate work attempted with no grades of D or F. Build leadership abilities across business disciplinesincluding finance, operations, marketing, and communications, Gain the fundamental business knowledge to rise to management and executive leadership positions, Learn principles and strategies for organizational and change management, Develop effective communication and employee motivation techniques, Understand financial analysis techniques for sound managerial decision-making, Study the application of quantitative methods and management science, Learn profitable marketing management concepts and strategies. left: 53px; margin: auto; MBAA complements Applicants are evaluated on the merits of their own application in comparison with those of all other applicants for the semester. The LSUS MBA has been a very rigorous academic undertaking but unfortunately the MBA schedule is totally inflexible. display: none; Learn more about theonline Master of Business Administrationprogram curriculum. } padding: 0px !important; Learn more about international admission requirements. text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; @media (max-width: 769px) { } if you want to be stressed, given busy work and graded too harshly then yes attend. LSUS online MBA was ranked #1 among the top 50 MBAs in the nation by Intelligent.com, 2021. } } user-select: none; All fees are included in the total tuition. Students must also be enrolled during the semester they submit their thesis or project to the library and graduate. The test consists of three parts: Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehension. display: inline-block; } } .cd-accordion-menu2 ul label::before { practices in emerging and mature markets, gain exposure to various customs, participate For further information, contact the Office of Research and Development, or visit the Website at www.calstatela.edu/academic/aa/orad/. } A GMAT score of 500 or higher/ GRE 300 or higher must be included for the application to be reviewed. The four optional foundation courses do not count towards fulfilling MBA requirements. See section on. height: auto; width: 100%; background-image: url(http://www.calstatela.edu/sites/default/files/users/u43156/transparent-background-dark-grey.png); } top: 20%; Within a few weeks after graduation, eligible candidates receive a letter of congratulations in the mail, and degrees are posted on their permanent academic record. height: auto; z-index: 100; Fax: 225-578-4800 More information appears in the Undergraduate Study chapter of this catalog. Recommendation for the degree by the faculty. padding: 0px 0 6px 10px !important; today. Students pursuing an MBAAccounting Specialization must take one MBA elective of choice. text-align: left; } .cd-accordion-menu label::before, } background-color: #222; The MBA online program offers the same affordable, pay-by-the-course tuition to all U.S. residents. Learn more about the LSUS Online MBA Curriculum. Transcripts may also be submitted via secure meanse.g., eSCRIP-SAFEto admissions@lsus.edu. $12,474 Total Program Tuition The LSUS MBA program offers premium education at an affordable cost. position: static; } } This information will be retained as long as necessary to provide prospective student services and will be removed when no longer required. The purpose of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or (IELTS) International English Language Testing System is to evaluate the English proficiency of applicants whose native language is not English. #cbe-desktopnav-top-links-area { Please have your CIN readily available whenever you contact the University for assistance and include it on email inquiries. .no-touch .cd-accordion-menu2 a:hover { Keep up with the Flores MBA Program action on our social media channels. box-shadow: inset 0 -1px #777; } } Please mail to Graduate Admissions Office. The program also offers online tutoring,advisementand mentoring. width: 226px; P.O. This degree provides graduates with the leadership and organizational skills to help them land a managerial role that can increase their responsibilities and pay.