Make sure you clear both the left and right sides of the first courtyard. To level up your Mercenaries, simply take them on bounties - they get XP for each fight you beat. That is how GMs check. It's cheap and easy to get and you probably can get large amounts of it just as you level. I can't think of many places where the time taken to get there and get setup to afk xp wouldn't have been better spent just killing or questing for regular xp then logging out. Lceanium (100-107) - There are a couple of decent camps here that I have used. The mobs hit very hard and you can get overwhelmed very quickly. You can hire a Mercenary at any Mercenary Liaison. Swarming, pets, class specific abilities all change everything drastically. Lots of mobs to kill here. Otherwise you spawn here if you deselect tutorial on creation) - Go get a tank merc from the drakkin man in the tent with the training masters and spell vendors. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85. (Using ISBoxer is useful to this; please reference my other guide for info) It doesnt matter what the composition is of your 3 box team. I came back and my toons went from level 3 to level 10!!! Camp Info AC: 20 Aug Ground Murkglider Eyes Blind Hunter Rekamu MPG, Camp Info AC: 25 Aug Flameshield Stone Pyrilen Riftseeker RSS, EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: Its all about 3 Boxing, Phinigel TLP Server Leveling for Human Paladin Freeport, EverQuest Next Landmark: Alpha First Impressions. The north and east you can at least run out if you botch a pull. Mob HP is ridiculously low since this is a vanilla zone and these levels go by without much attention having to be paid. When the mob starts to run, you want enough space for your merc team to finalize the kill before aggroing the mobs across the hall in the other room. JavaScript is disabled. Fully AFK means you can walk away and not worry about your characters, partially means that you may have to be present in case something You will need help doing it though. The sarnak forts have three named's and sometimes the Ancient Denmother that is spawned for the Honed Wurmslayer quest wanders by if someone spawns her and doesnt kill her, especially around the southern fort. IN ADDITION: Recently, much better versions of mercenary gear have been released that make your mercs WAY more effective. Watch out for the clerics if you don't have a solid interrupt. There is also Defiant armor sets which give you incredible stats over a range of levels and are incredibly useful from 1-70. Nameds drop a pretty good belt and necklace. This access to at least 2 nameds that I am aware of. (Intelligence level, Upkeep and all that). That is a great point. If you went to another zone first and are coming here after 55, then just zone in by dropping into the big hole and coming up at the very back of the zone. With a group of actual people, this place is awesome though. Murder the Rallosians, crystal golems, and frogs. When you get a new mercenary, it starts at Level 1 with only a single ability. With an 85 druid can pl 20-65 in about 6 hours with the druid un-grouped and DS'ing whilst PL'd toon does at least of one point of dmg. Go through a little valley into the south side of the zone though and it becomes Tier 2. You get access to mercenaries, which are hireable AI controlled party members. With hundreds and hundreds of zones to choose from, and classes with wildly different abilities and skills, there is no perfect way to level. Rengar is an aggressive early jungler, with really good skirmish potential during early game, so you want to get as many opportunities to take over the game in the first 10 minutes of the game. Velkator's Laboratory (45-55)(PoK>Great Divide>Velk's) - This place has grown on me a lot. Otherwise, the area around his spawn point has the highest level mobs in the zone and yields great exp even up to 60 if you're patient. In this Project 1999 EQ video I show a 6 minute spawn camp that can take you all the way to level 60! The cities are a cake walk, though the wandering mobs on the walls in the second city can really mess up your day if you don't pay attention. I like to use to portal room for quick evacuation. You can follow it for some exp or ignore it like most people do and just fight out of the prison and then wander the zone killing everything. You will be murdering said spiders and slimes and other animals. Reactive: Your merc will react better depending on the situation. I will annotate directions to the zones. The run isn't terrible, but all of the SoV outdoor zones are enormous so it's further than it looks. In the event Trakkanon is up, he will probably eat your face, so stay out of his room if he is until that friendly farmer shows up to farm him. This will easily take you to 56-57. A player could easily gain the same amount of XP they got from 2 or 3 hours of AFK'ing pet/merc XP exploting if they spent 10 good minutes at the keyboard. Not game breaking to say the least. That said, the HAs are the only thing that scale. They are in the places where the guards used to be. If you're having trouble making your mercenary level with you suspend him and go AFK for a few minutes. Start off near the entrance, then push up to the area around the house. But the real advantage is when you want to grind out AAs while also leveling from 65 to 80. 1; 2; Next. Still do! The gear starts becoming available at 75 and is bought with Marks of Valor from Ethernere Tainted West Karana. At 14 you can head out to Blightfire Moors or head to the northernmost part of the zone and kill Nokk skeletons and zombies until 17-18. Paladins can start swarming around 83 with impunity and shredding through these guys to about 85. If you aren't saving for something in particular, consider taking these. Once you zone in there is a monster bridge. All rights reserved. 13-28 Estate of Unrest (PoK>Butcherblock Mountains>Dagnor's Cauldron>Unrest) - This is a good place for undead killers, but in my opinion the run out to it is too far and the exp is better in Blightfire. For an AFK camp, 100 AA a day isnt too bad. All the gear that levels up with you from 75 to 105 makes life hugely easier. Set Active: Set the current stance you have selected, Set Owner: Set your current target to your Mercs new owner, Info: Gives you the information about your merc. A FABLED VERSION OF THE NAMED WILL EVENTUALLY APPEAR AND ROFLSTOMP YOU SINCE HE WILL BE AROUND LEVEL 75. I dont recommend using one ever unless you know the class to begin with) a questline was added in Feerott, the Dream that unlocks all ranks of Journeyman Mercenaries. J5 mercs are far better, can take harder hits, heal bigger, and hit harder. You essentially get all the levels while doing things you would do anyway. The Serpent's Spine Everquest Leveling Guide, Seeds of Destruction Everquest Leveling Guide, Call of the Forsaken Everquest Leveling Guide, The Darkened Sea Everquest Leveling Guide, The Broken Mirror Everquest Leveling Guide, Empires of Kunark Everquest Leveling Guide. It looks pretty though. He made a name for himself with his amazing storytelling and music all featured in his videos of his train-hopping travels across North America. It may not display this or other websites correctly. This expansion introduced Mercenaries and basically completely changed the way you level in Everquest. South of the citadel are the drachnid tunnels. It's a matter of gear and group/box team composition. Look at my map in comparison to your map to see the location. In other words that means all those levels that you can't find groups, you can use him for. The area is populated by honored citizens, exalted citizens, respected morticians, and dutiful cleaners. Inside the hut talk to Mercenary Mdjal to hire a mercenary. Suspend/Revive/Unsuspend: Suspend will temporarily get rid of this mercenary. Q: I'm the puller for my group but my merc won't stop attacking it when its all the way out in the middle of no where. There is a stupid questline that autostarts the first time you go into the zone. Any necro will out dps a merc by a factor of 2 at least and up to a factor of 6 or 7. unsure if they removed it or not). Maybe talk about Guard Hanarn or Harnan? However, this guide is designed to overcome the boring grind (your definition, the reader) that every player eventually faces. If it's not up on the rotation, skip it. He drops a key to access the first black reaver room and open up access to the second floor. Finally, while Heroic Adventures in Dead Hills, Ethernere Tainted West Karana, and throughout The Broken Mirror zones might be the "fastest" way to level, it's stupendously boring and repetitive. At 8-9 go to the last cave that is next to the little paddle thing on the lake and kill bears. These will take you to 67-70ish, though only paladins should really try and go to 70 here via swarming. I will lay out a few spots to hit in this range. I may try again with this guide. It isn't the fastest ever, but the money is pretty great and there is rarely anyone here on live. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. This room is very popular as it has access to 4 nameds (3 goblins in or very close two the big room and 1 beetle down a side corridor) and if you get lucky can very quickly have you loaded down with a full set of tier 2 EoK visible gear as well as a bunch of really good nonvis items and augs. I will provide some quick ideas if that's not the direction you wanna go. You can start around lvl 65 or before when the mobs are dark blue if your toons are well geared and have max CS and CA. When you complete an HA you are given a three hour lockout timer for THAT PARTICULAR HA. It's a very easy zone to level in without much drama. For AFK leveling/ AA grinding, you want to station your toons in one room and just sit there. A: Your merc will Dismiss himself. When your Mercenary dies the button will change to Revive. I hope this just expands on his already awesome work. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. That's all I have for now folks. I prefer to stay out of the fields if at all possible. I have masochistic friends who swear by it though. Chapterhouse of the Fallen (96-100)(PoK>Freeport>Commonlands or Once you do attunement quest from Shard's Landing, Guild Hall>TP to Shard's Landing>Portal to Chapterhouse) - I love this zone as a paladin. The north and east pathways are the ones to focus on. As of the Terror of Luclin expansion, the best mercenary equipment is "Vigilant", which is obtained in The Burning Lands zones. And no, fire pet is not the best dps pet in classic, it's water (and no, it's nuke is not stronger than the water pet's one . Worth about half a level in that range. They respawn pretty quick and are higher level than most of the zone, so better exp longer. You can very very quickly get yourself a full set of 87-92 gear, including the Formal armor set. From PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's Harbor, Board the ship Stormwave or talk to the teleporter guy if it's all broken>Dead Hills.